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Thursday, January 14, 2016

"Nirbhaya-Juvenile-Justice Failed"

This article is about the Juvenile Justice Act and Nirbhaya Rape case Delhi. I am presenting my point of view on this & I take a stance on the Verdict of the "so called Juvenile Mohamed Afroz". I am personally very disappointed by the Verdict & Analogy of the High court as well as the Supreme court. And I am gonna tell you why?

we all should know that,

"Court of law could only pass verdicts based upon facts & Evidences".

According to Indian Law, the "age of Majority" is been "conceptualized" to be 18 by the Age of Majority act 1875.

And there are NO such facts or evidences to support that the physical age of a person can be compared with his Mental Maturity. In Many countries the age of Majority differs from 14 to 21, Its not at all a fact that a person hits the age of majority at 18 and Court of law should only judge by facts.

Recently Rajya Sabha permitted the amendment of juvenile justice act in a #Hurrythat juveniles in conflict with Law in the age group of 16–18, involved in Heinous Offences, can be tried as adults. Well again if consider the Nirbhaya case, this person raped her(Which his advocates term as emotional crime) then inserted a rod, penetrated it, And ripped Nirbhaya's intestines out with his hands. That's a monstrous act which only a sick and cruel person could do. 

Now even if a 15 & half year old does the same act , Its monstrous and can't be considered a juvenile act.

According to Ministry of Home affairs during 2007-2012, heinous crimes like rape and murder add up to just about eight per cent of total spectrum of crimes by minors/Juveniles.And from 2012 to 2014 Rape by Juveniles have rose by #70% . While assault cases have rose up by #160%. And Over all #50% of Juvenile Crimes are Sex Offences.

In my opinion, Court of law should have the discretion in cases like Heinous crimes.With the assistance of a panel of experienced Psychiatrists to understand whether the mind of accused was juvenile, Adult or sick at the time of committing the crime.And the convict should not be let out without proper rehabilitation in any case.

Thanks for reading!! and please share the message if you endorse it.

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